Jul 31, 2019
In episode EIGHTY-ONE I shared how I gave up my WORK-aholic ways + insights for nurturing your most important relationSHIPS and horsemanSHIP to ensure they take you where you want to go.
For many more barrel racing resources, visit BarrelRacingTips.com.
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Jul 24, 2019
In episode EIGHTY I shared the audio from a LIVE Barrel Racing Tips QnA session. Join me LIVE, Tuesdays at 6PM Central (4 PST / 5 MTN / 7 EST) on Social Media for QnA Tuesdays!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/barrelracingtips
Instagram: @barrelracertips
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Jul 17, 2019
In episode SEVENTY-NINE I shared something new, unique and special that I want you to have to fast forward the achievement of your barrel racing dreams.
For many more barrel racing resources, visit BarrelRacingTips.com.
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Jul 10, 2019
In episode SEVENTY-EIGHT I shared the often misunderstood, proper use of spurs (which is not what you might think!), plus prerequisites for ultimate responsiveness.
For many more barrel racing resources, visit BarrelRacingTips.com.
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Jul 3, 2019
In episode SEVENTY-SEVEN I shared three often overlooked, but critical qualities we must develop for a fast, efficient footfall on the barrel pattern and a consistent first barrel.
For many more barrel racing resources, visit BarrelRacingTips.com.
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